Frequently Asked Questions
Fluid Filling
Contact Wilkris

Welcome to the WILKRIS COMPANY, INC.

Producers of the Digistick Fluid Leveling Gauge


Digistick, the standard in digital fluid level measurement.


The Digistick is the standard from which fluid level measurement is defined. There is no other way to represent fluid level more precisely than the Digistick (±1 mm). All other fluid level representations can be derived from the Digistick.


After years of  research and development and extensive testing Wilkris has solved the problem of measuring fluid level accurately. Splash, turbulence, and foam have no effect on the Digistick, because it is a hydrostatic gauge. The Digistick is calibrated and traceable to national standards. We are the standard in precision fluid level measurement.


Summary of Wilkris Company

A builder of special machinery for over twenty-five years, and experienced in manufacturing special gauges and instruments, Wilkris Company excels in solving engineering problems in diverse industries. Wilkris analyzes products, equipment specifications, and performance requirements to determine designs that can either modify existing facilities or design new equipment to solve engineering problems. Wilkris Company can provide system layouts that increase efficiency, greatly reduce percentages of rejected parts and improve overall productivity.


Mission Statement

Wilkris Company's mission is to build trust and conveniently supply reliable technology such that we may continue to collaboratively create progressive results in order to solve customer problems.

Contact Information

Please take a moment to look over our site to see how Wilkris Company can help you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at: info@wilkris.com



Postal Address
P.O. Box 230
Terrace Park, OH 45174

Electronic Mail
General Information: info@wilkris.com
Sales: sales@wilkris.com
Customer Support: support@wilkris.com

Transmission Demonstration

Engine Demonstration

Fuel Tank Demonstration